Everybody wants to be able to speak English like a native speaker, but English pronunciation is always a big problem.
Bad English pronunciation may confuse people even if you used advanced English grammar. We can use simple words and simple grammar structures that make people understand you but we cannot use "simple pronunciation".
On the other hand, good English pronunciation will make people understand you easily and be willing to listen to you!
You will say that we learn English just for communication, although we speak English with a strong accent, native speakers can understand us, that's enough. But you know it is not pleased to listen to the bad pronunciation.
Can anyone tell How importance of English is?
Half the world speaks English. English is the most common language essential for big businesses in the world to succeed. You can see that English and American companies are among the biggest in the software and corporate world. In short, English helps you make it big.
English is easy to learn, if you have interest in it. Traditional Indian families usually don't mind if their children are bad at English, as the children usually take over the traditional family job. But if you wish to be well - known as a successful guy all over the world, you must learn English. These rules do not apply if you live in a non-English speaking developed country, but hey, you're in India, and here, fluent English - speakers usually command more respect.
It is fun and easy language to learn in comparison to Arabic or other Romantic languages in Europe.
I have come to appreciate my mother toungue even more after learning English. It takes great deal of time and effort to master a second language, but it is worth it. You will become more culturally balanced person who appreciate what others have as well as your own.
English is very easy to learn compared to other foriengn languages. it is a universal language which means tat even if u dont know the national languages of other countries u can still communicate with them in english.when u go for a job in any reputed institute or company anywer in india or abroad the first thing they ask u is that whether u know english or not? which means it is of gr8 commercial use. when u can speak english which is of such importance then it definitely helps u to bcum more confident.
hope this helps...Some tips to Improve your english
Words to be pronounced in exact... keep trying it...
"T" - Tee(You should say showing all your teeth Like say cheese!!)
"P" - Pee
"B" - Bee
"L" - Yal
"M" - Yam
"Z" - Zee
"H" - ayh
"V" - Should bite the lower lips with teeth
"we" - say like normal "v"
Keep tellin this words
First oobd oold
ookt ohbd ohld
ohkt awbd aeld
Awkt ahbd ahld
ahkt aybd ayld
aykt eebd eeld
oogd oomd oolz
ohgd ohmd ollz
awgd awmd awlz
ahgd ahmd ahlz
aygd aymd aylz
eegd eemd eelz
hpt oolt
awpt ohlt
ahpt awlt
ahpt ahlt
aypt aylt
eept eelt
Accent Training
Good english is nothing but having a intonation in speech. Intonation is music in speech. Let's see how to improve our Accent.
Three ways to make intonation(music):-
1. First way to make Intonation is to get louder or raise the volume. This is not a very sophisticated way of doing it. But it will definitely command attention
2. The Second way to strech the word act or lengthen the word that you want to draw attention to (which sounds very Insinuating)
3.The Third way, which is the most refined is to change the pitch. All through pausing just before changing the pitch is effective, you don't want to do it every time. Because then it becomes an obvious technique, However it will make your audience stop & listen.. they think you are going to say something interesting.
Note:-If we queston the intonation should be raise... example :- where is my Ca_┌ar
if we confirm or answer the intonation should drop down.. example :- here is your CaÎ _ar
Difference of Word Pronounciation
U.S - Bristish
Aek.chully - Actually
Aevr'j - Average
Aesprin - Asprin
Bizness - Business
Chakl't - Chocolate
K'amf t'ble - Comfortable
Corpr'l - Corpril
Despr't - Desprit
Daim'nt - Diamond
Diffr'nt - Different
Diaper - Diaper
Vejat'ble - Vegetable
Bev.r'j - Bevaraj
Bakree - Bakery
Nrsree - Nursery
Eny'n - Onion
evree - Every
Maethmaedix - Mathematics
memree - Memory
Ornj - Orange
Prablee - Propably
Restranct - Restaurant
sepr't - Separate
Servr'l - several
Libr'l - Liberal
Canfrns - conference
Hisstree - History
Ba se klee - Basically
Ack-se-dent-lee- Accidently
Faemalee - Family
Fyn.lee - Fianlly
Jenr'l - General
Gossree - Grossary
Intr'st - Interest
Joolree - Jewelry
Using of an, or and the:-
1.) When there is an new information in the sentence we use a or an.When the same information is repeated again we use the.
Ex- 1. I bought a book now, I am reading the book
2. When the speaker and Listener understand what they talking about they use the
3. whenever use common num (1,2,3,4, & 5)Ex- 1. The first, The second
4. Unique Things
Ex 1. The University
2. The Sun
Parts of Speech:-
1. Nouns Def:- Noun is a word used for name, Place, Things or animalsEx- Ravi saw a bird in the park
Countable noun uncountable noun
Dog water
cup air
glass soup
pen mud
bowl oil
An Countable & Uncountable give Countable Nouns
Ex- Air is essential to life
The air in chennai is polluted
2. PronounDef:- Pronoun is a word used instead of Noun
Ex:-I like the book which he gave me today
3. VerbDef:- Verb is a word used to show what some are done or experience
Ex:- He ran Home
4. AdverbDef:- Adverb is a word which helps verb, adjuctives and another adverb. Adverb job is to help this verbs
Ex:-He Ran Fast
5. Adjuctives:-Def:- Adjuctive is a word which qualifies the noun and it acts some extra meaning to the word
Ex:- She is ill
6. prepositions:-Def:- Preposition is a word which connects to nouns or to verbs
Ex:- The Book is on the table
7. Conjuctions:-Def:- conjuctions is a word which connects two words or two sentence
Ex:- Ramu and Siva are going to School
8. Interjunctions:-Def:- Interjunctions is a word which explains some sudden feelings or remark
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